Jan 3 - Noah builds a boat and Jesus gets tempted

Love this part of the Old Testament. I think it's so engrained in my mind because of the classic presentation of it by Bill Cosby: Noahs Ark One of the Greatest comedy shows of all time is Bill Cosby Himself! Best of all it's clean not full of cursing and crude comments. Well to imagine that because of the extent of human wickedness God wanted to completely wipe everyone and everything from existance. Luckly he found favor in Noah and gave him the knowledge and ability to build an Ark so He could flood out the earth and start over. We're all fairly familiar with Noahs story and the Rainbow that is God's promise that He will never flood the earth again. The new Testament today had Jesus being tempted by Satan. He passes of coarse but I can't imagine it was easy. For 40 days and 40 nights he was in the wilderness being tempted to sin. Interestingly enough God had it rain for 40 days and 40 nights to flood the earth as well. Not sure why maybe I'll look into it. Must be some reason God liked 40. 40 days! I tried to stay away from chocolate for 2010 because it gives me a wicked headache and that lasted all of 40 minutes! huh.....Wonder how well I would have done in the wilderness for 40 days with Satan and temptation. I probably would have turned the rock into a chocolate cake and dug in!

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