Jan 11 - Isaac has a hairy kid

It's been a bummer day for me. Had one heck of a headache which cause some vomiting. We started our 21 day fast and I think the shock of all the junk I ate in December and early January being completely pulled, no caffeine, no sugars...sent my body into a whiny shock eating only fruits, veggies and fruit juices. Note to self....no huge splurging on the junk next year before the fast:)

Reading more about Abraham and his descendants through Ishmael and mainly Isaac. Abraham's servant did bring Isaac's bride back to him and he had twins with her after Isaac pleaded with the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children. Now while the twins were in Rebekah's womb the struggled with each other. God said "The sons in your womb will become two nations. From the very beginning, the two nations will be rivals. One nation will be stronger than the other; and your older son will serve your younger son." The first born was very red at birth and covered with thick hair I imagine looking like Chubaka, they named him Esau. The other twin was born with his hand grasping Esau's heel so they named him Jacob. Isaac was 60 when the twins were born. I sure hope the human body didn't deteriorate at the rate it does today how else would you keep up with twins at 60?! It's quite and interesting story between the brothers you should give it a read!

We jump into the new testament and Jesus works more miracles. He casts these demons out of people sends them into pigs who then run down a hill into the water and drown. OK I am a sap for the old movies like The Ten Commandments with Charlton Heston. TBN plays all kinds of these old biblical movies. They had a great one on the other day that was about Jesus and his disciples and what a riveting scene it was to see the pigs scurry down the hill with Incredible 1980's special effects! Well maybe I wouldn't say riveting. Not sure why I love those movies so much...neither is Boo she asks me all the time:) I guess where I'm going with this is if you are right there at the scene of the miracles that are just beyond belief, how can you not believe?!?! Jesus performs tons of miracles and people right there seeing with their own eyes still didn't believe that he was the son of God. As a Christian nowadays we don't have the luxury of walking with Jesus in the flesh and seeing all of these things happening. That's why it's called "walking by faith" I have absolutely no doubt that Jesus was the son of God and was sacrificed for our sins. I can't prove it or explain it but from where I once was and how I felt without Jesus to where I am and now feel with Jesus makes me have no doubt! Yes I still have bad days and question why I'm not driving a Ferrari, living in a mansion with a bank account full of cash when there are unbelievers that have that life. I then look at my incredible wife and beautiful children and thank God for the life I do have and cherish it everyday. Still praying now and again for the Ferrari:)

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