Jan 2 - Fall From Grace and lots of finger pointing

OK this is classic human nature playing out from the very beginning! God knows Adam and Eve have eaten from the one tree they were told to stay out of and when He asks Adam his answer is, "It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit and I ate it." So he's essentially blaming God. God asks the woman and she says "The serpent deceived me, That's why I ate it." In otherwords it's not my fault! You created the serpent and he tricked me. I can think of many times personally that when something went wrong I looked to where I can point to aim blame at someone else for messing up my situation. That Cafe I used to be involved with is one major one! I held on to the anger and the oooohhhh pity me for I've been done wrong, for so long that I didn't even want to hang out with myself! In the end I indirectly blamed God for not watching out for me. As if to say the serpent deceived me or she gave me the apple, even though I wasn't asking for His help or open to listening. Humbling myself to ask for direction from God and help from others hasn't been easy. The weirdness of kneeling down and talking to the air does eventually go away. It's hard for our minds to grasp that there is something out there bigger then us that we can't touch or see but I guarentee you that when your ready you will feel His preseance! Eliana's crying gotta go get myself wrapped around that little finger:)

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