Jan 17 - Geneology...Lots of Geneology

Today is fairly short being that it's mostly genealogy stuff from Esau. We do start the reading off with God talking to Jacob. "Get ready and move to Bethel and settle there. Build an alter there to the God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother, Esau." Because of this Jacob told everyone in his household, "Get rid of all your pagan idols, Purify your selves, and put on clean clothing. We are now going to Bethel, where I will build an altar to the God who answered my prayers when I was in distress. He has been with me where ever I have gone." So they buried all the idols and headed off. Rachael dies today as well. She has one more son and with her last breath she names him Benoni ("son of my sorrow"). The baby's father named him Benjamin ("son of my right hand").

Matthew today has the Pharisees all up in Jesus's grill again...or I should say still. They try to trick him and he never falls for it. He fires out some parables and continues to work miracles right in front of them and all they want to do is kill him. There's got to be a nice warm bench in Hell for these guys.......

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