Jan 13 - Jacob gets swindled

The more I read the more crazy messed up these old testament families seem to be. We start with Cain killing his brother Abel, Abram telling people his wife is his sister, then his wife Sarai gives Abram her servant to make a child, Abrahams nephew Lot has two daughters that get him drunk two nights in a row and each have relations with him getting them pregnant, Esau and Jacob have issues now Jacob works for his uncle for 7 years and as promised should be getting married to Rachel but Laban snookers him and he ends up sleeping with her sister Leah who starts shooting out kids left and right but Rachel is not able to have any. He does also get Rachel but it's another 7 years of work. All families have issues but some of these catastrophic incredible situations are crazy and you wonder why God would want them in His word. Is it so we can relate to some of the great prophets God used to do powerful things in His name? All I know is there's a bigger picture that He can see....we are just pieces, short stories, so to speak, as part of His humungo script:)

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