Jan 4 - Noahs old!

Noah lived to be 950! Yesterdays reading did have God stating that His spirit wouldn't put up with humans for a long time because we are only mortal flesh so he was changing the lifespan to 120 from the high triple digits. God had real favor with Noah and He was pleased with the aroma of the sacrifice Noah provided when the flood waters dried up therefore God said he would never flood us out again and gave us the rainbow as His promise. Then it was up to Noahs 3 sons and their wifes to start repopulating the earth! We have 2 kids can you imagine how many they had! I am extra tired tonight having a newborn is exhausting but worth ever minute of lost sleep. Maria has turned into a milk machine for the Eliana cafeteria and I'm supplementing with some formula each feeding until she gains some weight. They must have never slept. Anyway the new testament has Jesus begining to preach "Repent of your sins and turn to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near." He also started to gather his disciples and traveled throught the region of Galilee teaching in the synagogues and healing the sick, diseased, demon-posessed, epileptics even paralytics. In our day we don't have the luxury of actually walking with Jesus and seeing all of the miracles He performed we walk by faith. If we did would we be any more likely to believe? I have had great things happen in my life that there is no other explaination other then Gods favor. I had my own healing so to speak not touched by Jesus in the flesh but a touch from Jesus none the less.

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