Jan 25 - The Israelites Become Slaves

We move on through the entire family of Jacob. Joseph was allowed to go back to Canaan and bury his father. He then returns to Egypt and his brothers fear that he will now seek revenge for what they did to him. His brothers came and threw themselves down before Joseph. "Look we are your slaves!" Joseph gives the only response he can "Don't be afraid of me. Am I God, that I can punish you?" He said that God inteneded the entire situation for good even though his brothers meant to harm him. He brought Joseph to that position so he could save many lives. What a great response. This is something that I think many people struggle with especially with everything going on. We don't always understand what God's putting us through but we can be sure that He is with us and that we may not think the path he's taking us on is so hot but in the end it will be for the good!

Joseph and all his brothers died but their descendants, the Israeliteds, multilpied and filled the land. Now a new king comes to power in Egypt and he doesn't know anyting about Joseph or what he had done. He was nervouse about the people of Israel and how powerful the could be because they outnumbered them. So he enslaves them.

We move on to Moses being born in todays reading as well. I think we all know the story of moses and how Pharaoh gave an order to "Throw every newborn Hebrew boy into the Nile River." Well they missed Moses who was named by the Egyptian princes "I lifted him out of the water.".....Exodus 1:15 - 2:10

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