Jan 26 - Moses Gets The Call!

Moses leading God's people out of Egypt is one of the most known periods in history. I am a sap for the Charlton Heston movie The Ten Commandments Boo bought it for me this year. It gets lots of playtime in the DVD player. I love the fact that God uses someone that is so unsure and imperfect to do the small task of leading the Hebrews out of Egypt. Go toe to toe with Pharaoh and win.....with a little of His help of coarse. We watched Evan Almighty today and Steve Carell does, what I think, is an incredible job with the role. His mannerisms and facial expressions are hilarious but also quite true. He is transforming in crazy ways right before peoples eyes and they still don't believe that God is involved. Every step along the way there is unbelief and criticism just thinking he's nuts because he thinks God has asked him to basically become a modern day Noah. It seems that things aren't much different then back in the old testament. We'll read how Pharaoh doesn't release the people even though devastating things are happening as Moses says it Will. We read everyday how Jesus is mocked and ridiculed by the Pharisees even though he performs ridiculous miracles.

I personally didn't believe in the whole God thing until I experienced it. We used to Joke about "Find Jesus". What is he in a closet or something, hiding under the bed? Some people just say "It's nice you have something to believe in that makes you happy." I just hope those people someday can see what I see and realize that the truth is freeing and the incredible love you feel is awesome. Is it easy all the time....heck no. Do I have bad days and question God? Certainly but so did Moses and look how things turned out for him. He was entrusted with one of the biggest tasks in the Bible. Right now I feel as though God has entrusted me with a huge task of being a Godly man, head of my house, raising my daughters to know Jesus and loving my wife as Jesus loved the church. Cool tasks that I enjoy being the bearer of everyday:)

1 comment:

  1. I must say, you do an incredible job at these tasks. I'm amazed and blessed by you everyday.
