Jan 12 - Jacob is blessed with Esau's blessing

It seems that the more you read in the bible the more messed up family stuff you can find! Esau was the first born of Isaac therefore was suppose to get his blessing. Well Rebekah loved Jacob more so she planned a scheme and Isaac in his old blind state ends up blessing Jacob with everything! Sibling rivalry at it's best in biblical times. Cain and Abel remake:) Esau is so distraught that he gets nothing he plans to kill his brother but mom gets wind of it and she sends Jacob away until his brother calms down. This is fulfilling what the Lord said yesterday about the rivalry and older son serving the younger one. It seems there was a lot of messed up stuff that went on in the old testament and these were all imperfect people that God used to do great things and build many nations. It's nice to know that we may mess up from time to time but that doesn't toss us out of the ring for being used by God to do incredible things!

Jesus was here on earth doing God's work in the flesh and was not looking to just hang out with the righteous. Jesus says: "Healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do. Then he added, Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners." This is right after the Pharisees question why Jesus is sitting with tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. They constantly continue to question why Jesus is doing what he's doing and scream blasphemy when he acts like God. I guess when your heart is hardened there are no amount of miracles that will make you believe. Hopefully the slow drissle of God's work on the heart would help those that are lost to see.....took me a few years:)

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