Feb 28 - Two Are Joined As One

OK, I'm officially ready to be done with Leviticus! At least in today's reading God fires it up by making mandatory festivals that have to be celebrated each year on official days in addition to the Lords Sabbath days, and offerings are in addition to your personal.....ok well no offense Lord but your taking the wind out of my sails on these festivals. I would hate to mess something up at a party for God and burst into flames. Thank you Jesus for the ability to celebrate our relationship with you in our own God given way:) We like to rock the house at Celebration church!

In Mark today Jesus wants to spend some more time with his disciples and teach them without the large crowds. He calls his 12 disciples over and starts teaching them in parables. He finishes up today talking about marriage. "'God made them male and female' from the beginning of creation. 'This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one. Since they are no longer two but one, let no one split apart what God has joined together." It's incredible what the divorce rate is in this world. I wish more people could see marriage from God's point of view. It's not just a commitment that you can hand back in if you don't think it's working right, but a covenant that's meant to last a lifetime. Is it work, somedays, is it worth it....Completely! With God in the mix making the Two become One you can't go wrong.... That's the way I see it....

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