Feb 25 - Jesus Does It Again

Leviticus - Well it looks like in the old days we weren't allowed to eat or drink blood in any form. Nor was it OK to have sexual relations with a bunch of different close relatives or animals otherwise it would defile the body. I would hope that those weren't hard rules to live by:)

In Mark today Jesus leaves Galilee and heads north to Tyre and tries to keep it a secret of which house he was staying at. Right away word spread and people came to be healed and have family members healed. He left Tyre and went to Sidon before heading back to the Sea of Galilee and the region of the Ten Towns. He heals a deaf man with a speech impediment and tells the crowd not to tell anyone but the more he said to keep quiet the more news spread.

At about this time another large crowd surrounds Jesus and he feels sorry for them. He takes Seven loaves of bread and a few small fish and feed 4,000 people. He then immediately gets into a boat with his disciples and crossed to the region of Dalmanutha. Another busy few days for Jesus and the disciples.

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