Feb 2 - Manna From The Sky

The Israelites watch as God closes the sea up on the Egyptians. Miraiam the prophet, Aarons sister, took a tambourine and led all the women as the played their tambourines and danced and sang.....Moses leads the poeple of Israel into the desert of Shure and guess what....they start complaining and turn against Moses...Imagine that:) Continually they complain and Moses goes to the Lord and he provides. They want food he gives them Manna, They want water moses strikes a stone and water pours out. The Lord asked Moses, "How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions?" They were ignoring the Sabbath and trying to collect food that day when they were told to pick up double food on day 6. What's it take to believe in the Lord and his goodness. I guess it's human nature that when things start going bad we freak out! Ultimately God provides if we are patient and ask.....His timing not ours:)

In Matthew today the Pharisees and Sadducees(Religious leaders who say there is no resurrection from the dead) continually test and try to trick Jesus with no luck of coarse. His replys always amaze them and people are astounded at his teachings but I have a feeling they'll be back to try again....They are persistant that's for sure! It seems it's harder to convince some even when what you do and say amazes them. It's so ingrained that something is not right that they will continually fight to prove it wrong rather then see it as right.

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