Feb 23 - Jesus Feeds 5000

Leviticus goes on to "These are the instructions for dealing with serious skin diseases, including scabby sore; and mildew, whether on clothing or in a house, and swelling on the skin, a rash, or discolored skin. This procedure will determine whether a person or object is ceremonially clean or unclean." More slaughtering and blood smearing all in specific ways depending on the situation.

In the new testament today the apostles return from their ministry tour and Jesus said "Let's go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile." So they get in a boat and try to go where they could be alone but many people recognized them and Jesus had compassion on them because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things. It gets late in the afternoon and his disciples tell him to send the crowds away to go find food because they are in a rural place. Jesus said, "You feed them." Well they're looking down at five loaves of bread and two fish and a crowd of 5,000 saying...riiiiight.

Jesus told the disciples to have the people sit in groups of fifty or a hundred. He took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then he began breaking the loaves into pieces and giving the bread to the disciples to distribute to the people. He also split up the fish for everyone to share. Everyone ate as much as they wanted, and afterward they picked up 12 baskets of leftover bread and fish.

Late that night the disciples were in their boat and Jesus just finished praying by himself and he sees his disciples in their boat struggling against the wind and waves. It's about 3AM and Jesus walks out on the water toward them. He intended to stroll on by to the other side of the lake but when they saw him walking on the water they were terrified thinking he was a ghost. Jesus spoke to them at once "Don't be afraid, take courage! I am here!" and he climbs in the boat. Wassup...........just got done praying you all ready to go?

Once they crossed the lake people recognized Jesus immediately and began to bring their sick. Wherever Jesus went they brought the sick out and begged him to let them touch the frindge of his robe, and all who touched him were healed.

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