Feb 15 - The Tabernacle Is Given To Moses

The craftsman made all the beautiful sacred garments for Aaron as the Lord had commanded. Bezalel made went through and made all the rest of the stuff for the Tabernacle to be complete and they brought the entire Tabernacle to Moses to inspect. When Moses found that it had been done just as the Lord had commanded he blessed them. The Lord instructed Moses to "Set up the Tabernacle on the first day of the new year." and gave him all the instructions on where to put everything. He did as the Lord commanded and I'm sure slept extremely well afterword.

Today we start reading from Mark. This is his view on Jesus' life from when John the Baptist spoke of his coming. John announced: "Someone is coming soon who is greater than I am-so much greater that I'm not even worthy to stoop down like a slave and untie the straps of his sandals. I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit!" Jesus came up from Nazareth one day and John baptized him in the Jordan River. As Jesus came out of the water the heavens split apart and the Holy Spirit descended on him like a dove. And a voice from heaven said, "You are my dearly loved Son, and you bring me great joy." Talk about making an entrance!

Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" and they left their nets at once and followed him. Two disciples lined up 10 to go!

A little farther up the shore Jesus saw Zebedee's sons, James and John, in a boat repairing their nets. He call them at once, and they also followed him, leaving their father, Zebedee, in the boat with hired men......number three and four.

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