Feb 12 - Moses Instructs The People

So God tells moses to chisel out two stone tablets like the first ones and He will write on the the same words that were on the last tablets and please don't smash these! Or something similar. Moses heads back up the mountain with the tablets and the Lord came down in a cloud and stood there with him. Can you imagine just chillin on top of a mountain in the presence of the Lord! We'll thanks to the Holy Spirit you now can:) God tells Moses that He will go ahead of them and drive out the Amorites, Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. He instructs Moses to "break down their pagan altars, smash their sacred pillars and cut down their Asherah poles." He tells him to be careful not to make a treaty with the people that live there and fall into evil. "You must worship no other gods, for the Lord, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you."

The Lord then gives moses instructions and tells him "Write down all these instructions, for they represent the terms of the covenant I am making with you and with Israel." Moses remained on the mountain with the Lord for 40 days.

When he came down carrying the two tablets Aaron and the people of Israel were afraid to go near him because his face had become radiant from speaking to the Lord. Moses calls them and gives them the instructions from the Lord.

In Matthew today Pilate, the governor, gives the crowd a choice to either release Jesus or Barabbas a notorious prisoner. They shout to release Barabbas and crucify Jesus. Pilate gets a bowl of water and washes his hands in front of the crowd saying, "I am innocent of this man's blood. The responsibility is yours!"
The people yelled back, "We will take responsibility for his death-we and our children!" Hey that's not fair to drag your kids down with you. I'll bet the day of the Crucifixion a bunch of people from that group wished they could take a mulligan! Jesus is given to the Roman soldiers to be crucified. The governor's soldiers stripped him, put a scarlet robe on him and wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on his head then knelt before him, mocking and taunting him. "Hail! King of the Jews!" spitting on him and poking him with sticks. When they became tired of that they put his clothes on him and led him away to be crucified.......I would NOT want to be one of that bunch!

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