Mar 9 - Jesus Prays Alone

The people would constantly come to Moses with complaints and needs and it was to much for one to bear so He cried out to God for help. Moses was instructed and gathered the seventy elders and stationed them aroudn the Tabernacle. The Lord came down in a cloud and spoke to Moses. Then gave the seventy elders the same Spirit that was upon Moses. And when the Spirit rested upon them, they prophesied. But this never happened again. So God made it so the elders could bear the burden of the people along side with him so he wouldn't have to carry it all.

I can tell you first hand that we ALL have the ability to have that Spirit. I had a HUGE problem with the cafe trying to take care of it all myself. Boo can tell you that was a major stress in my life dealing with lawyers, employees, banks, products, landlords.....etc. I tried to carry the entire burden by myself without Gods help. One day I just couldn't take it anymore. I had a contract on the cafe for a new buyer just to dump it and he decided he didn't want it anymore....that was it. That week I went to "the foot of the cross" and cried out for help and sure the next day the buyers came back and we closed them 3 days later. Believe what you will, Karma, dumb luck or a deal to good to pass up but I can tell you 100% that God put His hand on it and the burden was released. I could feel his presence at the altar basically saying "Welcome Back meathead, what can I do for you today":)

In Mark today Jesus is sold out by Judas. Jesus breaks bread with his disciples, this is the famous "Last Supper" that people talk about. They then go to Gethsemane the olive grove and Jesus tells his disciiples to sit while he goes off to pray. He takes Peter, James, and John with him and he became deeply troubled. He told them, "My soul is crushed with grief to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me." He then went a little further and fell to the ground. "Abba, Father," he cried out, "everything is possible for you. Please take this cup of suffering away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine." To me this is HUGE. To read that the Son of Man is distressed and praying for God to let him live. Essentially he's guarenteed a to be back with his father in heaven but death still fears him! Ultimately his request is "Your will to be done, not mine." That is an extremely hard concept to grasp but ultimately it's the best way to live....That's the way I see it:)

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