Mar 23 - zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

OK, I'm sorry but all of this dividing of the land and well if the women get it for this tribe then marry someone in another tribe our tribe loses the land and who gets what. It's like land law 101 going on here. The cool part is about a quarter of the way through the reading for the old testament today Moses does as the Lord instructed him and basically gives an account of everything from when they were at Mount Sinai everything they did and went through along their journey. All the good and bad. Like Cliffs Notes of their journey through the wilderness to the promised land. He points out several times how they wouldn't listen or trust the Lord. "And the Lord was also angry with me because of you. He said to me, 'Moses, not even you will enter the Promised Land! Instead, your assistant, Joshua son of Nun, will lead the people into the land." So I guess I shouldn't feel so bad if I don't get something I want eh? Moses poured his life into God's work but even though he so much wanted to see the promised land in the end it wasn't in the cards for him.

Jesus is at Levi's house, one of his new disciples who used to be a tax collector, at a banquet Levi is holding and Jesus is the guest of honor. There were many fellow tax collectors there so of coarse the Pharisees and their teachers of religious law complained to Jesus "Why do you eat and drink with such scum?" Jesus answered them, "Healthy people don't need a doctor-sick people do. I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent." That is one of the greatest things about our church, Celebration. Our doors are open to anyone and everyone! None of us are perfect nor do we have the right to think we are better then anyone else. Jesus was the Son of Man and he humbled himself to help others all the time. I say if your going to make a change for the better in God's presence is the place to do it!

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