Mar 28 - Which Seed Did You Say You Were?

Moses is doing a recount of all the bad stuff the people of Israel did by disobeying and not having faith in the Lord even after seeing all the miracles that happened from Gods anger and through his love. He is telling them so they won't repeat the same mistakes by not obeying the Lord as the are getting ready to cross the Jordan River into the land they were promised. The Lords mighty hand is going to destroy the current inhabitants because they are evil. He points out a few times that they are getting the Land because the people there are evil and worship false gods and because of His promise to their ancestors. Not because they were good. Moses lays it out there saying "And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you? He requires only that you fear the Lord your God, and live in a way that pleases him, and love and serve him with all your heart and soul. And you must always obey the Lord's commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good." "Therefore, change your hearts and stop being stubborn."

You can look at that as a bully God just making us do what he wants and kiss his tush all day. Or you can see it as I believe it to be, that He loves us so much and only wants the best for us. It's not like I see him everyday the best way for me to keep my focus on God is to stay in His word, pray and sing praises. Thankfully I don't need to go all Friday The 13th on some goat twice a week.

I as a father expect my kids to listen and obey what I am telling them not because I'm a bully but because I love them and know, better then they, what is good for them. Doubt I can ever get them to sing praises about me but hey if I can at least keep them from doing incredibly dumb stuff I'll consider that a step in the right direction:) I am blessed to have children but my children are gifts from God so it is also my duty to teach them about Him and what great things He's done for us so they will love Him as much as Boo and I do. I love my kids but it's not even possible for me to love them as much as God loves them......That's the way I see it:)

Luke today it's the cool parable about the farmer scattering seeds. If you've never read it you have to check it out: Luke 8:4-15

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