Apr 20 - 26 Ah How We Forget

A lot went on over these last few readings. The people of Israel give the Levites the towns and pastureland that was commanded through Moses years earlier by the Lord. There were a total of Forty-eight towns with pastureland within Israelite territory given to the Levites. Joshua summons all the tribes of Israel gives the last decrees and regulations of the Lord and records all those things in the Book of God's Instructions. The people all chose to never abandon the Lord and serve other gods. Joshua dies at the age of 110 and the people of Israel served the Lord throughout the lifetime of Joshua and of the elders who outlived him. Over the years the different tribes didn't adhere to the Lords commands and lost wars and battles because the Lord wasn't behind them. They would then cry out to the Lord and he would save them. Then a generation would die and another generation would grow up but did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the things he did for Israel. They would go astray and intermarry and serve false gods and images. They would once again be getting their butts kicked when they would cry out to the Lord and he would rescue them again. Then years later the Israelite's would do evil in the Lord's eye and they would get whoooooped and cry out and he would come and save them. I love how God is always there to forgive. No matter what the people did He would always forgive them when they cried out to Him and he would come to save them. It's nice to know we have that direct connection with Him through Jesus. Heck one poor guy gets a tent stake through the head when the Lord helps out his people. I know I get caught up with all the "junk" that goes on in the world and forget to keep my eyes focused on Him....ya things get a whole lot bumpy when that happens. But he's always there for me when I do finally realize to Matthew 6:33. Should tattoo that on my forehead so I would see it everyday in the mirror. I think that would toss me into the Crazy pile of people though:)

In Luke this week Jesus speaks a lot of parables and of coarse the teachers of religious law and the leading priests continue to try to trick him but only become amazed. One of my favorites is the question he gets on marriage in the resurrection Luke 20:27-40 So remember marriage is for only while we are here. Let's treat it as the incredible gift that it is, we only get it for a mist in time the rest of eternity will be spent in heaven praising the Lord. We'll read more about that later I'm sure:) So Satan enters Judas, he betrays Jesus, a disciple lops off one of the guards ears and Jesus says "No more of this." He then touches the man's ear and healed him. They still take him, beat him and push to have him crucified. I'm sorry but if you make a mans ear grow back on after a zillion other miracles I'm pretty sure I'd be letting him go! But as Jesus said "For the time has come for this prophecy about me to be fulfilled." Back when Pharaoh wouldn't let God's people leave even after all the miracles due to God hardening his heart I believe the same thing happened here. There had to be a definite path and showing of power while the scriptures were being fulfilled. So that God could show his mighty power and it could stand the test of time for those who believe and feel the Holy Spirit living inside us...Is that you......It can be if you ask Him......That's the way I see it:)

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